Downtime: Sat, January 22, 2011

On Saturday, January 22, 2011, from 6:00am to 9:00am EST, there will be a power shutdown in the CS Building. The shutdown will include the electrical panels that supply most of the power to the building including lighting and power to all the offices, hallways, and lab spaces, as well as the elevator.

Please note that this means that all office and lab computers need to be cleanly shutdown before the start of work early Saturday morning. For most users, we expect that you will shutdown your machine(s) when you leave Friday afternoon/evening.

Also note that the power to the main machine room (room 218) is on a separate electrical feed and will remain operational. Therefore, services such as e-mail, web sites, cycle servers (including the c2 cluster), and remote access will not be interrupted.

This work is part of an ongoing project to increase the power and cooling capacity of our basement machine room (room 002).

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