We have a report of e-mail trouble. We are investigating.
UPDATE 10:05am: E-mail is \”up\” but running extremely slowly leading to time-out problems. We are continuing to work the issue.
UPDATE 11:08am: We are repairing the e-mail system\’s database. The system will continue to be slow for a while. The problem appears to be a latent fault introduced when our previous storage system failed on January 12, 2012. That hardware has since been replaced, but a flaw in the data had migrated to the new system.
UPDATE 11:48 AM: E-mail service is actually down at the moment, while data is being repaired. We are working to restore service ASAP.
UPDATE 14:00: E-mail service is running again, but still very slow. It may be turned off again at some point, as troubleshooting is still underway.
UPDATE 16:00: E-mail service has been restored. We have located a source of delays in our storage and eliminated it for the time being. Our apologies for the extended inconvenience.