Both of the CS LDAP authentication servers went down this morning due to hardware failure. The LDAP servers provide authentication for e-mail, SSH access to public CS servers, and the CS file system. We are working to restore the servers. We currently don\’t have a time when the service will be restored. Updates will be posted to this site as we make progress repairing the servers.
8:30 AM Update – The servers are now booting again and we are working to restore the LDAP software and the LDAP database.
9:20 AM Update – The LDAP software is now working and we are working on restoring the LDAP database.
10:20 AM Update – The LDAP database has been restored from an older version dating back to September. We are trying to update to the latest backup from last night.
11:11 AM Update – We were unsuccessful in restoring to a later version of the LDAP database. If you created a CS account or changed your password after September 24, 2013, you will need to contact CS Staff to update your password.