This is a reschedule of an outage originally scheduled for November 27, 2013, and cancelled due to unscheduled and unrelated problems.
Who is affected:
All users of CS Department wired networks, including network users in the CS Building, 221 Nassau St, Sherrerd Hall, Friend Center, and 151 Forrestal Road (the HPCRC).
This outage will also affect the OIT wireless network ONLY in the CS Building.
What is happening:
During this time, the Department\’s network uplink (to the main campus, and onward to the greater Internet) will be upgraded from its current 1Gbps link to a 10Gbps link.
Why is it happening:
The campus uplink upgrade will enable greater opportunities for collaboration by increasing the rate at which data can be moved across the network. This will enable high-speed data transfer between CS Department systems and systems in other departments on campus and, in some circumstances, other remote locations.