July 2015

Network Issues

6:10 PM We are currently experiencing network issues. We are looking to resolve the problem and should have another update soon.

6:20 PM There is presently a Campus wide Network outage ongoing. OIT Administrators are aware of this and are working to restore service ASAP. Updates can be found at http://helpdesk.princeton.edu/outages/view.plx?ID=5226

At 8:40pm OIT Technical Operations and Network Monitoring Services staff swapped in new hardware and all buildings listed below have been stable since that time.

New South building network (does not impact any systems in the New South Data Center)
Computer Science
Eno Hall
1879/Marx Hall
Firestone Library
Nassau Hall
Maclean House
Jadwin Hall
Lewis Thomas Lab

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CS Services Outage

Jul 10, 2015 @ 3:40PM We are currently experiencing some service outages and are working to resolve the problems. Email is currently one of those services not working. More updates to come soon…

Jul 10, 2015 @ 4:05PM We have located the cause of the problem and services are starting to get restored now.

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