[downtime] CS Network Downtime, Thursday, November 17, 2016,
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2016 (07:30-08:00)
Who is affected:
All users of the CS Department network
What is happening:
The CS Department uplink to OIT\’s network will be temporarily unavailable.
The actual outage time should be only a few seconds, but we are allocating
a half hour for this task in case of trouble.
Why is it happening:
This work will upgrade the uplink between the CS Department and OIT,
providing more total bandwidth to the rest of campus and onward to the
We will post updates to the status page: http://www.csstaff.org
as necessary.
If this downtime will cause you undue hardship, please contact
csstaff@cs.princeton.edu immediately, so we can discuss options to reduce
any negative impact. Your patience is appreciated.
CS Staff
downtime mailing list
[downtime] CS Network Downtime, Thursday, November 17, 2016, Read More ยป