[downtime] CS Database/Web Server Downtime, Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 08:00-09:00

Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2017 (08:00-09:00)

Who is affected:
All users of CS Department administrative web properties (Dropbox, CS
Guide, the Main web site, etc.)

What is happening:
During this time, the database server underlying the administrative systems
will be upgraded and replaced. During the upgrade, all database-dependent
administrative systems will be unavailable. This includes the CS Dropbox
service, the main web site, CS Guide, ADM, and any content feeds provided
by CS Staff.

This outage is expected to last much less than a full hour, but an hour is
being scheduled in case of unexpected problems.

This outage does NOT affect project or personal databases or web servers,
the database server for which was upgraded on July 20.

Why is it happening:
As part of the routine maintenance of our systems, the old MySQL server
(running MySQL 5.1.73) will be replaced with a newer server running MariaDB

We will post updates to the status page: http://www.csstaff.org
as necessary.

If this downtime will cause you undue hardship, please contact
csstaff@cs.princeton.edu immediately, so we can discuss options to reduce
any negative impact. Your patience is appreciated.
CS Staff
downtime mailing list

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