Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 (05:00-17:00)
Who is affected:
All users of the CS Department computing infrastructure.
What is happening:
CS Staff will upgrade the user-accessible servers in our infrastructure,
including cycles, ionic, courselab, armlab, and the project web servers.
The systems will be upgraded to the latest Springdale 8 distribution for
the x86_64 architecture and RockyLinux 8 distribution for the aarch64
architecture (i.e., armlab).
SPECIAL NOTE: As we are reloading the Linux servers, all crontabs will be
deleted. If you have crontabs that you wish to persist, you will need to
back up your crontabs before the downtime and restore them after.
Please note that the downtime window is significantly longer than our usual
windows due to the high-touch nature of OS reinstallations. It is our
intention that the cycles machines and web servers will see the earliest
returns to service. Some parts of the ionic cluster may extend later in the
day. Overall, we expect to finish all of the upgrades earlier than this
window, but the wide time frame acknowledges the uncertainties involved.
Why is it happening:
This is part of the routine maintenance of the publicly-accessible systems
and will bring newer versions of installed tools and software.
We will post updates to the status page:
as necessary.
If this downtime will cause you undue hardship, please contact immediately, so we can discuss options to reduce
any negative impact. Your patience is appreciated.
CS Staff
downtime mailing list